
To the era of enjoying design as well as functionality.
Changeable grip, attached with air compressor.
Fashionable and more fun golfing!



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Grip specifications | CADERO GRIP Official Site
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Grip specifications

The following table lists the specifications for all grip products on the CADERO Grip website.
Please also check here for the meaning of the icons on each product information page.

Weight Air / 38g
UT / 36g
Air / 44g
UT / 42g
Air / 50g
UT / 48g
Air / 62g
UT / 60g
Shape Thin Thin Normal Thick
As a guide Glove size
Glove size
Glove size
Glove size


Air Attach with an air compressor
UT Attach with tape and solvent
UTRD Round grip attach with tape and solvent
UTBR Ribbed grip attach with tape and solvent
※BR(Back Rib) has a small ridge that runs the length of the inside of the grip.
Grip Size

2×2 PENTAGON Solo & Duo
How to distinguish with and without rib

The ribbed grips are marked with stars

2×2 PENTAGON Solo & Duo’s ribbed grips (UTBR) has a stars in the logo

Adjust the rib using the star marks as shown in the red line

Round grips

2×2 PENTAGON Solo & Duo without star marks is the Round grip
UTRD and Air fall into this category

Star Series 


2×2 Pentagon Star Series UT 


2×2 Pentagon Star Series UT 星印無しは、

2×2 PTG-DUO SP(special product)
How to distinguish with and without rib

The ribbed grips are marked with stars

2×2 PTG-DUO SP(Special Product) ribbed grips(UTBR) has a stars in the logo

Round grips

2×2 PTG-DUO SP(Special product) without star marks is the Round grip
UTRD falls into this category

AB Rubber & Basic Rubber
How to distinguish rubber grips with and without rib

White and gray logos are ribbed

AB Rubber & Basic Rubber’s ribbed grip(UTBR) has a white or gray logo on the butt

Black logo is the round

AB Rubber & Basic Rubber’s round grip(UTRD or Air) or has a black logo on the butt.
※Basic Rubber is not available in Air

If you have any questions about the specifications of the grips, please contact us at the number below or by email

Tel: +81 3 6408 9760 Fax: +81 3 6408 9761
Mon to Fri 10:00 to 18:00